Town & Gown Community Band presenting Freedom Fest Concert of American Music

Story by Nick Kendall 

Contributing writer

The Murray State University Town & Gown Community Band will present its Freedom Fest Concert of American Music at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 4 in Lovett Auditorium. The band is in its eighth season under the direction of Dr. Todd E. Hill, professor of music at Murray State.

The free sixty-minute program will dismiss in time for attendees to get to favorite viewing locations for the Freedom Fest Fireworks display in Murray following the concert.

The program will begin with “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Old Kentucky Home,” followed by a rousing march, “The Circus Bee,” by Henry Fillmore. A tribute to members and veterans of the Armed Forces with a special medley recognizing each branch of the service will also be performed. A medley of highlights from the Broadway Musical “South Pacific” will be presented, and vocalist Kate Tombaugh will be featured on George Gershwin’s “Someone to Watch Over Me.” 

“This concert is one of my favorite events every year,” Hill said. “It’s a wonderful thing to see so many members of the community come together for a special evening of American music.”

Other compositions include a march by late Murray State University Director of Bands Paul W. Shahan, “The Lincoln Heritage Trail,” and guest conductor Dr. Derek Jones will direct the 80-member band on James Curnow’s composition “Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew,” based upon the poem “Flight” by John Gillespie MaGee, Jr. 

A medley of compositions entitled “Songs from the Great War,” “Seventy-Six Trombones” from “The Music Man,” a “Patriotic Sing-Along” and John Philip Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” will close out the program.

“It’s a privilege to sponsor this very talented group of community musicians with the support of our Town & Gown partners,” said Carol Brunn, special projects coordinator for the Town & Gown program. “We have 40 businesses that comprise the partnership that help make concerts like this a reality. We couldn’t do it without them. This concert is a true piece of Americana and a great way to celebrate the July 4 holiday and all that it represents.”

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