SGA prioritizes Health Services

Story by Daniella Tebib, Staff writer 

On Wednesday Oct. 31, the Murray State Student Government Association passed two pieces of legislation.

The new pieces of legislation include a resolution to support affordable health care on campus and a by-law amendment.

Since the decision to outsource university-operated Health Services, students have expressed their dissatisfaction with on-campus options. After hearing student concerns, SGA decided to take action.

The resolution to support the action of making Health Services on campus a budget priority for the 2019-2020 academic school year was passed with a unanimous vote from the senate.

“Health Services is vital for the safety and health for all students,” according to Resolution 82-18-R3. “[It] plays a crucial role in the recruitment, enrollment and retention of Murray State University students… It is extremely important for all students to have access to quality and affordable health care while enrolled at Murray State University.”

Student senators expressed why they think affordable health care on campus is important.

“I believe that students should have access to free Health Services because there are many students on this campus without access to insurance, and if they do not have insurance, they will not be able to go to a health service for free,” Amy Krazl, freshman senator from St. Louis, Missouri, said. “They will have to pay an $85 fee to visit Fast Pace if they do not have insurance, which I do not believe is providing students with the correct care that they need. If students do not have health care, then they will not receive help to get better, and then diseases will spread more to students and our campus will be worse off.”

SGA has also been collaborating with the University to boost enrollment and recruitment efforts. These efforts were further discussed at their meeting.

The resolution to amend Article V, Section B of the Murray State by-laws passed with a unanimous vote from the senate.

The purpose of the amendment is to add an Enrollment Management and Student Success Committee, according the by-law proposal. This committee will replace the Multimedia Committee.

SGA President, J.T. Payne said the purpose of the Enrollment Management and Student Success Committee is to ensure the recruitment and retention strategies of the University align with the current priorities of high school and college students, which is one of the University’s main priorities.

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