Murray State students’ favorite Halloween candies

Story by Grant Dillard, Staff writer

Photo courtesy of Flickr

If someone were to ask a person five things that come to mind when they think of Halloween, candy would most likely be one of them. There are so many good candies out there to feast on during the season, and everyone has their personal favorites. A handful of Murray State students were asked what their favorite candy was, and here’s what they had to say.


These tiny bite-size delights have been pleasing customers for over 80 years. There’s just something about them that’s so addicting and fun to eat. Jacob Marrs, sophomore, certainly enjoys them; not just for Halloween, but for almost any occasion as well. “I’ve always liked Smarties,” Marrs said. “I like the way they’re contained in a neat package, and how they melt in your mouth.” It also helps that Smarties contain fewer calories compared to other candies, which helps for those who can’t get enough of them.

Caramel Apple Sucker

Caramel apple suckers are a special kind of Halloween treat, consisting of a sticky and satisfying caramel layer covering a fresh and juicy apple. For some, the stickiness could be considered a turn-off, but people in the world like Grace Althardt, junior, can find something nice about them. “I really enjoy them because they are both sticky and tangy,” Althardt said. “They’re the perfect late night snack!” The idea of fruit being mixed with candy doesn’t sound like a good combination; but, this exception proves that it can work out okay.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Of all the different kinds of chocolate products from Reese’s, their Peanut Butter Cups is still the most famous and popular. Lindsey Falkner, junior, chose this item as her favorite Halloween candy. “It’s the perfect combination between peanut butter and chocolate, which are two of my favorite foods,” Falkner said. “Also the special pumpkin-shaped Reese’s put you in the Halloween spirit!” Whether it’s the traditional two-pack or the King Size four-pack, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are sure to please almost anyone.

Chewy Sweet Tarts

When it comes to Sweet Tarts, it has its share of variances. Whether they are the traditional candies, the ones that are in the shapes of hearts or skull and crossbones, or the extremely popular Chewy Sweet Tarts, each style has its fans. Paige Effinger, senior and Murray State News staff writer, was asked what her favorite Halloween candy was, the Chewy Sweet Tarts was her answer. “I could probably eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Effinger said.


Coming in all sorts of flavors, including strawberry, grape, wild cherry, watermelon and more, these tiny bite-size bits of tastiness can range from extremely sweet to incredibly sour. Grace Anderson, senior, surely enjoys them. “My favorite Halloween candy is definitely Nerds because they’re fruity and fun,” Anderson said. “You can eat a couple at a time or a whole box!” Whichever flavor of Nerds one chooses, they’re sure to be fully satisfied all the way.  

Obviously, there are more kinds of candy to enjoy than the ones listed. What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

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