Fall showcase highlights two university vocal ensembles

Story by Bridgette McAuliffe, Staff writer

Photo by Nora Crafton/The News

The Racer Men’s Chorus and EQ Blu, two vocal ensembles in the Murray State Department of Music, gave a joint recital on Tuesday, Oct. 23.

The sets, unlike many choir concerts, included contemporary music that was familiar to the audience. Solos were performed by many students pursuing both music and other majors.

The Racer Men’s Chorus performed the song “Glory” from the movie “Selma,” originally performed by John Legend and Common. The song closed the Men’s Chorus set and was meant to convey the message that despite the feeling of division we may be facing, we will come out on the other side together: “one day when the glory comes, it will be ours.”

Tyran Fitzgerald, sophomore from Paducah, Kentucky, performed the solo in “Glory.”

“Singing ‘Glory’ was really fun and meaningful to me because not only is it a beautiful song, but it also touches on a serious note that no matter what it is that we go through there’s always going to be something worth fighting for,” Fitzgerald said. “It is a very empowering song and it has a lot of things to teach if you really pay attention to the lyrics.”

Fitzgerald loves performing because he gets to completely change the atmosphere in a room or even someone’s life.

“Certain songs really have the power to change people and really touch them emotionally,” Fitzgerald said.

He is also a member of EQ Blu, an audition-based acapella group in the music department.

The group, unlike other ensembles on campus, has a contemporary repertoire that they are constantly improving to take on tours and gigs locally and regionally.

Luis Servin, sophomore from Paris, Tennessee, is a member of both Racer Men’s Chorus and EQ Blu.

EQ Blu performed many pop hits including Ariana Grande’s “Into You,” which Servin said was his favorite song to perform.

“My favorite thing about performing is seeing the joy it brings to people,” Servin said.

Tesla Like, junior from Murray, was encouraged by friends to audition for EQ Blu when she transferred here and these people quickly became some of her best friends once rehearsals started.

Like said her favorite memories from EQ Blu are right before they perform when all of their nerves set in.

“We are all so jittery and nervous, but most of the time we sing random songs and dance around together,” Like said. “Moments like those make me appreciate these people and this music so much.”

Christopher Mitchell, associate professor of music, directs both Racer Men’s Chorus and EQ Blue.

“In Men’s Chorus we have guys that are literally singing in choir for the first time in their life and guys that have been singing in choir since they were five so it’s a wide range of experience so it takes them a little bit longer than some of our ensembles to gel as a group,” Mitchell said. “I put a lot more performances on the calendar this semester because every time they perform together they bond a little bit more.”

The ensembles will perform again on Friday, Nov. 2 in the Performing Arts Hall with the Murray State University Women’s Chorus.

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