Skills gained during internship shine in classroom

Story by Allison Boggan, Staff writer 

Photo by Julie Boeker/The News

Elizabeth Dunn, senior from Murray, completed an internship with Energy BBDO in Chicago, Illinois, over the summer.

Energy BBDO is a creative advertising agency based in Chicago and a unit of BBDO Worldwide, the most awarded agency network in the world for effectiveness and creativity. The company has a large range of clients from Midol to Dr. Scholl’s. Wrigley gum remains one of their most famous clients and has been a client of Energy BBDO since Wrigley’s beginning.

According to its website, “The Work. The Work. The Work” is the BBDO mantra, reflecting its unwavering belief that in the absence of great work, nothing else matters. They have long believed that the best work needs to attract attention and define the brand.

They achieve their best work by tapping into meaningful aspects of people’s lives to build a distinctive idea that lifts the brand above the cluttered marketing landscape. Said simply, their work is effective because it’s powerfully brand-defining.

Dunn discovered the internship through her advertising professors at Murray State. Gill Welsch, one of those professors, told her about the Omnicom internship opportunity and advised her on which classes to take in the spring to help her prepare for the job.

She worked as an account management intern at the agency and was able to work together with an account team for the clients Ziploc and Windex.

“The internship proved to be immensely helpful, because I gained on the job experience and a better understanding of how an advertising agency functions,” Dunn said. “Beyond being able to put the internship on my resume, the experience helped me meet and make connections with professionals in the advertising industry.”

She said this opportunity proved to be both a great learning environment and also acted as a place for her to grow professionally. The work she did over the summer translated back into her performance in the classroom.

Welsch, senior lecturer in advertising, often visits students at the agencies they are sent to in order to hear about their progress.

“When asked how Elizabeth was doing, Energy BBDO gave us some really, really positive comments,” Welsch said. “I’ve seen a change in her since the internship. She’s always been good, but she seems to be even better since she’s been back.”

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