Moms let loose and get down

By Nick Erickson, Staff writer

Most college-aged people know from experience, whether it be acknowledging their own mother or having a child of their own, that being a mother can be a very taxing position. There is so much pressure on them and the crippling fear of letting others down, whether it be their child, their spouse or even their close friends. The new comedy “Bad Moms” hits the nail on this truth, all while infusing it with gut-busting laughs. The film, directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, the masterminds behind “The Hangover,” details a group of overworked mothers who decide it’s time to let off some steam and make some life changes, often via raunchy and risqué behavior. It’s hilarious without being over-the-top.

Actress Mila Kunis, well-known from her role as Jackie from “That 70s Show,” stars as Amy, a suburban wife and mother of two kids living in Chicago. In her early 30s, she constantly feels overwhelmed from going back and forth from her job, to taking care of her kids and attending their school’s PTA meetings. After a night at bar with two other mothers, Carla (Kathryn Hahn) and Kiki (Kristen Bell), both of whom also feel like they’re in the same predicament, Amy decides it’s time to forget about the escalating tension of life for a bit. In addition to the binge, they also make the decision that one change needed to be made in their lives is to take down the PTA president Gwendolyn (Christina Applegate), who is bitter and controlling over the others within the group.  In spite, Amy decides to run against Gwendolyn to become the new president. This newfound freedom within the group, allowing their inner desire to unwind, is exactly the juxtaposition to Applegate’s character, thus allowing hilarity to ensue.

While yes, there are a handful of more dramatic scenes, the majority of the film’s message is about being able to have some pure enjoyment every now and again, and that’s where most of the charm and energy of the film lies, much in the audience’s favor.

There is just about everything one could expect from a “wild night out,” right down to slow-motion montages of inebriated endeavors in a grocery store. When things do slow down and tables turn, it is easy to empathize with Amy and her ensemble, learning that it is easy to let stress get to one’s self. This allows the film to be more than fun, but thought provoking as well. Yet, the film nary loses pace when these moments occur, and it’s back into the hysterics. While it might feel slightly predictable at times, and as cliché as the theme of “taking down the boss” might be, the mere cheekiness of the film negates that.

“Bad Moms” is without a doubt the strongest comedy to close out the summer. It’s loud humor and energy are sure to keep the attention span of those the disaster that was the latest “Ghostbusters” couldn’t keep. For those seeking a light-hearted and relatable film to watch with the girls, search no further.

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