Wash your hands

If I could only give one more piece of advice in my lifetime, I would have one simple thing to say: wash your hands.

I know it isn’t much, but it’s something and it’s something that works. Washing your hands is often seen as an inconvenience. It is a chore tied to messes. Messes such as ketchup from a burger dripping or covering one’s mouth from a sneeze. These messes may be small at first, but they build up.

In either instance, I still advise you to wash your hands.

The human body is both a remarkable and disgusting machine.

The body is remarkable because it can heal its wounds in time and fight off infections. The human body can perform amazing tasks and here’s a perk, has opposable thumbs to do so.

It’s a wonderful design. But the body is by no means, invincible. It is susceptible to harm and disease. The world is dirty. You are dirty. Your hands are dirty.

So wash your hands, and wash your hands often. The more frequently you wash your hands, the better your body can operate.

Keeping your body healthy is one of the best things you can do, so don’t neglect your body when there is a need.

It’s a pretty simple piece of advice, but I wish you could further explore it with me.

What if that need is wrapped up in the mind? What if a person suffers from depression or thoughts of suicide? What if their mind is cluttered with these thoughts so much that it creates a mess? My advice to them is wash your hands.

When your body is in distress, you visit a doctor to fix the issue. The mind is just a piece of the body, so take care of your mind and wash the filth from the world away often.

Don’t let the negative comments, failures and problems grow and manifest and become messes.

Remember to give yourself a well-deserved break if you need to think things through. Remember that your mind is a part of you and you must care for it as you do the rest of your body.

The advice I am giving you is malleable. It can be molded to fit any situation. It’s simple advice, easy to remember and foolish to forget.

More than anything, please remember to wash your hands.


Column by Hunter Harrell, Features Editor 



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