Thousands of women celebrate new movement on Valentine’s Day

For the majority of America, Valentine’s Day is about relationships, love, chocolate and flowers. Surrounding Valentine’s Day is a growing movement called One Billion Rising, launching Feb. 14.

One Billion Rising is the product of V-Day, a non-profit corporation which consists of programs that work to stop violence against women and girls.

V-Day began as a result of Eve Ensler’s 1994 play called “The Vagina Monologues.” The play addressed issues such as sexuality and social stigmas surrounding rape and abuse of women. In 1998, Ensler launched V-Day with a benefit performance of “The Vagina Monologues.”

Since that time, the organization has found different ways to increase awareness. They organize and host creative events each year on Valentine’s Day which help raise money and aid existing anti-violence organizations. According to their website, they generate broader attention to end violence against women including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation and sex slavery.

On the 15th anniversary of V-Day, the organization is launching One Billion Rising with a statistic in mind: One out of every three women will experience violence in her lifetime. Supporters are encouraged to take action by dancing, rising up and demanding to end violence, because one billion women on this planet will be impacted by violence.

Getting involved is simple: join or start a rising. In order to start a rising, one must organize a flash mob, dance party, theatrical event or a march on Valentine’s Day that stands up for women everywhere.

Story by Hunter Harrell, Staff writer.

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