Campus Voice

How to fix a broken system

Jon Rowland senior from Jonesboro, Ill. I found myself this week waiting in line at the local Walmart with a cartful of groceries wondering why I decided to pick the longest line in the whole store.  With no end in sight my mind went amiss and I did what most people do who are waiting Read More

Hacker group grows in force

Joshua Hitz freshman from Staunton, Ill. Without the Internet, the world would be very different and, depending on your personal view, this is a good or bad thing. Many people believe there is too much information on the Internet, most being conspiracy theorists, while others use this power of the Internet and computers to fight Read More

Library needs more discussion

Stephen Herr assistant professor of educational studies, leadership and counseling In his inaugural address, Randy Dunn spoke of the need for Murray State to build a new library. What Dr. Dunn could have known about the needs of Murray State after such a short time here is beyond me. What he might know about libraries Read More

Let’s not do this one again

Aaron Carpenter graduate student from Paducah, Ky. “Disappointment.” This was the word that came to mind when I attended this year’s production of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.” As a longtime Murray State student and “Rocky Horror” enthusiast, I had become accustomed to the years-long tradition of cooperation between the Student Government Association and the Read More

Day-to-day all across the campus

Hannah Leskosky junior from Paducah, Ky. In 11th century Japan, a woman of the court named Sei Shonagon wrote a series of notes on things that both pleased and irritated her. Her work, “The Pillow Book,” was similar to a modern day journal and often jumps from one subject to another. Although I am completely Read More

We are paying too much

Jonathan Rowland senior from Jonesboro, Ill. In today’s environment of crashing markets and slashed financial ratings I begin to grow tiresome and disillusioned by the same monotonous rhetoric of how we must act now so that future generations can participate in the American dream.

The power of reasoning

William  Zingrone assistant professor of psychology Rain dances don’t work. We know this. And sacrificing small animals will not grant us special favors from an unseen spirit. Such ideas nowadays are beyond laughable, not worthy of a moment’s serious consideration. But the “power of prayer” remains as an unquestioned assumption, politically incorrect to doubt or Read More

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