
Family above all

Story by Gisselle Hernandez, Features Editor As the season of internships and job hunting commences in about 18 days, many people’s anxiety levels sky rocket as the unfortunate, but sometimes inevitable, rejection letters start rolling in. The pressure to wear a crisp name tag following the graduation cap makes bad news almost unbearable to some. Failure is Read More

Unheralded custodians keep it clean

Along with the usual flow and noise of students and faculty, the wheezing of a vacuum can be heard each evening in Murray State’s hallways as men and women in a light blue shirts work the hours away. When most classes have finished, custodians roll in their cleaning carts and attack the messes of the Read More

Tips to land the perfect internship

Preparing for a job can take a student four to five years of coursework, however, outside of that coursework one of the most popular ways students prepare is through participating in internships. With deadlines approaching as soon as next month, there are many different ways to prepare for an internship opportunity and to stand out Read More

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