March 26

1:43 a.m. A caller from Regents Residential College reported a cold burn. A criminal report for arson in the first degree was taken.

9:10 a.m. An officer from White Residential College reported a vehicle in the parking lot with its windows down. The owner was notified.

March 27

12:51 a.m. A caller from White reported smelling marijuana. Officers were notified and a citation was issued for possession of drug paraphernalia.

2:01 a.m. Officers conducted parking enforcement in the Residential Circle parking lot. Four citations were issued.

March 28

8:03 a.m. Officers checked on a person in the Curris Center. The person was warned to stay off campus by officers and an information report was taken.

10:38 p.m. A caller from Hester Residential College reported an alcohol violation. Officers were notified and a report was taken.

March 29

12:12 p.m. An officer conducted a traffic stop in the Curris Center parking lot. A verbal warning was issued for speeding.

5:57 p.m. An officer conducted a traffic stop in the Regents parking lot. A citation was issued for disregarding a stop sign.

March 30

5:27 p.m. An officer conducted parking enforcement in the Faculty Hall parking lot. Five parking citations were issued.

7:25 p.m. A caller requested access to a building to retrieve property. Officers were notified. The building was unlocked and then secured.

March 31

12:54 p.m. An officer conducted a traffic stop in the parking lot of the Business Building. A citation was issued to the driver for having expired registration plates.

9:18 p.m. A caller from College Courts reported a noise complaint. Officers were notified and a report was taken.

April 1

9:02 a.m. An officer reported a found animal on Main Street. The officer returned the dog to its owner.

1:19 p.m. An officer saw drug paraphernalia in the parking lot of Lee Clark Residential College. A citation was issued for possession or marijuana and drug paraphernalia. A parking citation was also issued to the driver for using a false registration tag.

Call of Fame

March 28, 12:15 a.m. – An officer reported a criminal mischief complaint from University Drive. Multiple citations were issued to the person. They were then arrested and taken to Calloway County Jail.

Motor Assists: 6

Racer Assists: 1

Arrests: 1

Mari-Alice Jasper, Assistant News Editor, compiles Police Beat with materials provided by Public Safety and Emergency Management. Not all dispatched calls are listed.

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