F is for friends

As I was packing the car, I looked at the items I felt were necessary for the journey I was about to begin. I placed checkmarks by each thing: backpack, school supplies, books, movies, photos, extra-long twin size sheets, bed risers, my entire wardrobe and plenty of quarters for laundry.

As I left for college, my parents gave me a few sound words of wisdom to ease the anxiety. “You will meet some of the best friends for life during your college years,” they said.

I didn’t believe them. I brushed off their words thinking they knew nothing about college, considering they never experienced a university setting. It kills me to this day, but I am getting better at admitting my parents are always right.

The worst part is, this epiphany hit me while on Spring Break. I spent a lot of time with different groups of friends from my high school days. It was absolutely wonderful catching up with them, but I couldn’t help but miss Murray and the friends I have made here.

I have honestly made some of the best friends I couldn’t imagine life without now.

It’s funny to me how I came kicking and screaming to Murray as a freshman, hating that my random roommate, Breanna Sill, was the polar opposite of me. I even declined her friend request on Facebook. We didn’t listen to the same kind of music, dress similarly or even like the same kind of movies. Now we are nearly inseparable.

Though Breanna has earned her place in my life forever, the quality friendships don’t stop there. The great thing about college is you get to know people because you have similar interests instead of where you “fit in.”

It is mind-blowing how friendships pan out in college, but I can tell you they are sincere.

This week isn’t as much life-advice, as it is a shout-out to those friends in my life who get me through the day.

It is a running joke that there are three things everyone wants in college – good grades, a social life and sleep. The trick is you can only pick two.

Though I am pretty good at time management, I will continue to sacrifice a few hours sleep for the sake of the memories made.

So, here it is in writing, Mom. You were right. Friendships made in college are friendships for life.


Story by Hunter Harrell, Features Editor

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