KTC requests campaign signs be removed as mowing begins

As highway crews and contractors prepare to start their fall mowing cycle, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is again urging political candidates and their supporters to remove all campaign signs from state highway roadsides.

All campaign signs and advertising signs will be removed from state rights of way ahead of mowing crews. Yard signs illegally placed along state highways create a safety hazard for the public and mowing crews. They also cost taxpayers in the time and effort required for highway personnel to remove them.

Homeowners in urban areas should keep yard signs behind sidewalks. In rural areas property owners should keep signs behind the area that would normally be mowed by highway crews. Utility poles are commonly placed along the edge of the right of way and can be used as a guide for general property line locations. On limited and controlled access highways all signs should be behind the fence line, no sighs should be placed on fences.

As a reminder, both political campaign signs and advertising placards that have to be removed by state personnel will be taken to the local state highway maintenance facility. The signs can be reclaimed by the owner with proper identification within 5 working days. Signs that are not retrieved within 5 days will be placed in the trash for disposal.

Timely traffic advisories for the 12 counties are available at KYTC Highway District 1.

Information provided by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

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