Our View: Keep safety a priority

The staff editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Murray State News.

The recent rise in the number of Racer escorts across campus brings our security into question. Although the actual cause of the increase is unknown, the rise in insecure students needing someone to help them across campus is enough for us to be concerned.

The only trend found with the numbers is the time change. The number of escorts increased in the waning daylight back in November. But now the days are longer and those numbers seem to be decreasing.

Daylight or not, there is no reason for students to feel unsafe on this campus. It is the duty of every student to notice and report inappropriate behavior.

We would like to remind all students to call Racer Patrol at 809-2222 if they feel unsafe or harassed while on campus. The University and Racer Patrol do a great job of keeping students safe on this campus. But that does not mean students should slack off when it comes to their peers’ safety. Just remember we are trying to create a positive, educational experience. Don’t be the person who stands by and watches. Take action.

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