Department chair raises faculty fund

Chris Wilcox
Contributing writer

The Sara and Terry Strieter History Faculty Research Award has been announced for the faculty of the history department.

Terry Strieter, chair and professor of history, said 10 years ago he and his wife agreed when the time came they would create an award to help history faculty members pursue their research.

He said the idea centered around having a means of promoting research in the history department.

“With countless demands on faculty time, we have long felt the desire to help the faculty in the department who wish to continue their scholarly pursuits,” Strieter said.

There are relatively few financial means faculty have for research.

The research award is competitive and is only applicable to full-time faculty members who have put forth one year of service in the department of history.

The recipient of the award will have his or her teaching load reduced by half for a semester.

Strieter said most teachers have four classes per semester, that kind of load doesn’t allow time for much research. The idea is to reduce the faculty’s load to two courses per semester so they can pursue research.

Duane Bolin, professor of history, said he might apply for the award since he has several projects he is working on.

He also wants to help contribute to the award, he said.

“Students of history want to see their professors actually doing history, they want to see their professors as active historians,” Bolin said.

The award has yet to be fully funded.

Strieter said he has been contacted by others who say they are going to donate, such as retired faculty members. As the award becomes better known there will be more contributors, he said.

Unfortunately, it may take a few years before the award is ready, Strieter said.

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